

Monroe earns prestigious NEH Fellowship for African sculpture research

What began as a hobby has now turned into a prominent humanities research award for John Warne Monroe, associate professor of history. Monroe began collecting African sculpture in his free time a decade ago, and his interest in the art’s history has led to a 2015-2016 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowship.


2015 Phi Betta Kappa inductees

The History Department is pleased to recognize the latest group of our majors to be inducted into the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Society. Congratulations to: Benjamin Davis, Jill Foley, Melissa Grunder, Justine Hagedorn, Adam Kenaragni, Jacob Peters, Coreen Robinson, Kyle Steingreaber.


Dusselier wins Advancing One Community Award

Jane Dusselier, a senior lecturer in history, is the faculty recipient of the 2015 Martin Luther King Jr. Advancing One Community Award from the Senior Vice President and Provost’s Office at Iowa State University