Events and Connections Page—Alumni and Beyond
As historians, we understand the desire and need for deeper connection—both to each other and the world around us. Building that sense of connection increases our opportunities and chances for success, both personal and professional. The role of Career Diversity Assistant is to establish and generate those connections between current students and alumni, because after graduation those students will join a host of proud Cyclone historians wherever they go. One of the ways the CDA works to provide connection is through event planning. Check this page for upcoming events to find out how you can get connected, and take a look at reviews of past events for inspiration of your own—where can we expect to see you?
*This section will give an overview of Homecoming week for LAS, but detail the events the History department is putting together including the Alumni Speaker Series of “What the 2020 Pandemic Taught Me of Looking to the Past for Hope of a Better Future”*
Alumni-In-Residence Program
*Here, I want to highlight the basics of the program—having an alumni coming to stay/work on campus, give a lecture/presentation on their research and/or career development, student interaction, etc.*
Alumni Mentorship
*Work in progress, but allowing students the opportunity to interact with and learn from alumni—this will likely be its own page in the future*
Alumni Liaison and Social Media
*Work in progress, links to alumni/ISU history social media, eventually having an alumni contact for involvement and coordination*