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Thesis Topic: Person-to-Person Diplomacy in the Yucatán Peninsula, 1960-1975
Major Professor: Bonar Hernández
Expected date of graduation: Spring 2018
Area of research specialization: United States and modern Latin America
BS, Iowa State University, 2015
Selected Publications
Smith, Amy Erica, Katherine Warming, and Valerie M. Hennings. “Refusing to know a woman’s place: the causes and consequences of rejecting stereotypes of women politicians in the Americas.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 5 no. 1 (2017), 132-151.
Selected entries in Women in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Women as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders, edited by Valerie M. Hennings and Dianne G. Bystrom. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2017 (forthcoming).
Selected entries in Women in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Women as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders, edited by Valerie M. Hennings and Dianne G. Bystrom. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2017 (forthcoming).