Why History? Why Now?


Without understanding our past, how can we hope to make sense of the present, let alone try to imagine the future? Studying History at Iowa State University brings benefits and rewards both personal and professional.

History is a subject we can read and love long after graduation. The amazing variety of historical topics, the joy of reading well-written history books, and the lessons we can take away from learning about the past never dim.

As a student here, you will practice and perfect skills employers treasure. Your ability to research carefully, to read closely, to think widely, to write clearly, and to talk knowledgably will help you find a career in almost any field. The ability to think like a historian, to imagine yourself back into the past, to explain how the present has developed out of history, and to empathize with those who came before us provide valuable perspectives on life and for work.

You will be following in the footsteps of ISU graduates into an incredible range of careers. Over a third of our graduates work in business in one capacity or another, whether in corporate settings or small firms. Another third go to law school, enter doctoral programs, or work in museums, and archives. And the final third become teachers, prepared by our outstanding Social Studies Education Program to pursue their calling across the country.

You can expect to work with world-class historians whose expertise and dedication to teaching are well known. We teach and research in time periods and places and themes covering every age and every approach. Think about studying History with us here at Iowa State University; you will be amazed by what you learn.

For more information, please email us: history@iastate.edu