Office Hours


Our excellent faculty of teacher-scholars holds regular office hours for all students. Here is a list, with office numbers:

InstructorOfficeOffice Hours
Adeleke, Tunde655TR 11-12 & by appt.
Andrews, James645W 2:30-4 & by appt.
Begley, Larissa639MW 8:30-9:30 & by appt.
Bix, Amy633WR 9-11 virtual & by appt.
Cordery, Simon603T 9-11 & by appt.
Cordery, Stacy637M 8-8:30 & 9:50-12, T 12-2, W 8-8:30, & F 8-8:30
Courtwright, Julie627TR 11-12 & by appt.
Griffiths, Paul629TR 11-12
Hernandez, Bonar623W 4-5 & by appt.
Hilliard, Kathleen643TR 11-12
Hollander, David647MW 2:15-3 & by appt.
Kehrberg, Richard639W 11-12:30 & by appt.
McDonnell, Lawrence615T 12:30-1:30 & by appt.
Monroe, John641M 1-3
Riney-Kehrberg, Pamela653M 1:15-2:15 & T 11-12
Rutenberg, Amy617MW 9:30-10:30 & by appt.
Wang, Tao625TR 3:30-4:30

The following faculty hold office hours only by appointment:

InstructorOfficeOffice Hours
Behnken, Brian 631Virtually by appt.,
Bremer, Jeff621By appt.,
Hill, Kevin659By appt. through Navigate
Schneider, Wendie635By appt.,